Suzanne Hala
Graduate Students:
Lee-Ann McKay
- Meta-memory and source monitoring accuracy in children (i.e., 4-, 6- and 8-year-olds)
Lab Coordinator / Research Assistant:
Taeh Bonn Haddock
- The influence of distracter items on source monitoring performance in 4-year-olds
Undergraduate Students:
Ellen Lloyd
- Memory and confidence for sources of actions in 4-year-olds
Former Lab Members:
Samantha Merritt
- Elaboration strategies and source monitoring in young children
Lisa Pascal
- The generation effect and source monitoring in young children
Kim Tan-McNeill
- The generation effect in 4-year-old children
Annik Mossiere
- Relation of bilingual language acquisition and executive function in young children
Lindsay Friesen
- Rehearsal and elaboration in school-aged children
Alisha Brown
- Source monitoring in toddlers: Effects of context
Marcia Gordeyko
- Executive function and source monitoring in young children
Kristen Rostad
- Source monitoring in young children
Emma Climie
- Executive function and bilingual language acquisition
Annette Henderson
- Source monitoring in a pretend context
Juanita Turner
- The role of planning in source monitoring accuracy in young children
Jana Prete
- The effects of planning and selection on preschooler's reality monitoring
Sara Jungen
- You're really nice: Children's understanding of sarcasm and personality traits
Carmen Rasmussen
- Source monitoring in children with and without autism
Jenny Baxter
- Reducing executive demands of working memory and inhibitory control in false belief tasks
Stacey Hug
- The relation of executive function to false belief understanding in 3- and 4-year-olds
Carly McMorris
- Reality source monitoring in children with and without autism spectrum disorder