Cam Teskey completed an undergraduate honors degree in 1983 and a M.Sc. degree in 1985. Dr. Martin Kavaliers in the Department of Zoology at the University of Western Ontario supervised both research theses. Cam examined the role of the endogenous opioid system in stress and aggression. He then worked for Dr. Frank Prato for one year at Saint Joseph's Hospital in London Ontario where he examined the effects of magnetic resonance imaging on blood-brain barrier permeability and analgesia. Cam returned to the University of Western Ontario as an NSERC-funded PhD student in Dr. Peter Cain's laboratory. His Ph.D. thesis examined the role of the immediate-early gene c-fos following seizures. He defended his PhD in 1989 (degree awarded in 1990) and moved to Dr. Ron Racine's laboratory at McMaster University for an NSERC-, and then Epilepsy Canada-funded post-doctorate fellowship. His post-doctorate research focused on the response properties of neurons following electrical stimulation and seizures. In July of 1992 he took an Assistant Professor position at the University of Calgary and in 2002 he was promoted to Full Professor.
Since his initial appointment Cam has managed a strong, independent, externally funded research program. He has obtained funding from NSERC, CIHR, Canadian Stroke Network, National Institute of Health (USA) and local grants as well as from private sector companies like GW Pharmaceuticals, Northstar Neuroscience, NeuroDetective and NeuroMed. In short he has 125+ peer-reviewed publications, 300+ conference presentations and 3000+ citations. For more information follow this link to his research page.
In the teaching realm Cam has created and taught numerous undergraduate and graduate courses. He currently teaches an introductory undergraduate neuroscience class in the BSc Neuroscience program. In 2010 and 2013 he taught an introduction to neuroscience class in Mwanza Tanzania to first year medical students at the Catholic University of Allied and Health Sciences. At the graduate level he has taught seminars in Neuroplasticity and Neuropathology as well as offering research courses that are run out of his laboratory. He has been repeatedly nominated for teaching awards and has won the Student Union Teaching Excellence Award on one occasion and an honorable mention on another occasion. In 2016 he won the McCaig-Killam Teaching Award. He has served on more than 130 graduate student research and examination committees locally and nationally. He has graduated 8 PhD, 18 MSc and a plethora of honor's thesis students. Many of these students have gone on to become professors, physicians, managers, lawyers, counselors and teachers. Cam also organizes, with Bryan Kolb, the annual Canadian Spring Conference for Behaviour and Brain.
Cam has served on several National and University level administrative committees. He has been a member on the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Grant Selection Committee 12 (Psychology: Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Sciences), the Canadian Foundation for Innovation (Psychology) and the Canadian Institute for Health Research (Behavioural Sciences A). At the University level his most prominent committee membership has been on the General Faculties Committee (Steering and Striking) and the University Animal Welfare Committee. Cam served over a six-year period as the Graduate Director for the Experimental Psychology graduate program and four years as the Graduate Director of the Department of Neuroscience. He is currently the Education Director for the Hotchkiss Brain Institute. He is currently co-leader of the Epilepsy NeuroTeam at the Hotchkiss Brain Institute.