University of Calgary

Candace Konnert

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  • Professor Emerita of Psychology

Research Interests

Currently Teaching

Not currently teaching any courses.


Broadly speaking, my research interests include psychosocial aspects of aging and clinical geropsychology. My current research focuses on planning for future aging.


Selected Publications:

MacInnis, C. C., Ulrich, C., & Konnert, C. (in press). Exploring potential prejudice toward older adult mobility device users. Psychology and Aging. doi: 10.1037/pag0000325

Watt, A., & Konnert, C. (in press) Body satisfaction and self-esteem among middle-aged and older women: The mediating roles of social comparison and self-objectification. Aging and Mental Health. doi. 10.1080/13607863.2018.1544222

Konnert, C., Huang, V., & Pesut, B. (2018). Mental health knowledge and training needs among direct care workers: A mixed methods study. Aging & Mental Health. doi: 10.1080/13607863.2018.1453483

Tieu, Y., Konnert, C., & Quigley, L. (2018). Psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Inventory of Attitudes toward Seeking Mental Health Services (C-IASMHS). Canadian Journal on Aging, 37, 234-244.

Konnert, C., Speirs, C., & Mori, C. (2017). Conflict between family caregivers and staff in nursing homes: Feasibility of the daily diary method. Clinical Gerontologist, 40, 352-361. doi:10.1080/07317115.2017.1338323

Speirs, C., Huang, V., & Konnert, C. (2017). Cultural differences in young adults’ perceptions of the probability of future family life events. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 85, 248-264. doi:10.1177/0091415016689475

Watt, A. D., Konnert, C. A., & Speirs, C. E. C. (2017). The mediating roles of primary and secondary control in the relationship between body satisfaction and subjective well-being among middle-aged and older women. Journals of Gerontology B: Psychological Sciences & Social Sciences, 72, 603-612. 

Underwood, M., Gleeson, J., Konnert, C., Wong, K., & Valerio, B. (2016). Global host partner perspectives: Utilizing a conceptual model to strengthen collaboration with host partners for international nursing student placements. Public Health Nursing, 33, 351-359.

Woodhead, E., Emery, E., Pachana, N., Scott, T., Konnert, C., & Edelstein, B. (2015). 

Clinical and counseling psychology graduate students’ expectations for future work with older adults. Clinical Gerontologist, 38, 357-374.

Whitbourne, S. K., Whitbourne, S. B., & Konnert, C. (2015). Adult development & aging: Canadian edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: Toronto.

Tieu, Y., & Konnert, C. (2015). Measuring acculturation and enculturation among Chinese Canadian older adults. Canadian Journal on Aging, 34, 36-46.

Konnert, C., & Wong, M. (2014). Age differences in PTSD among Canadian veterans: Age and health as predictors of PTSD severity. International Psychogeriatrics. Advance online publication. doi:10.1017/S1041610214001884
Irwin, K., Konnert, C., Wong, M., & O’Neill, T. (2014). Posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and pain in Canadian military veterans: the mediating roles of anxiety, depression, and alcohol use. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 27, 175-181. doi:10.1002/jts.21897
Tieu, Y., & Konnert, C. (2014). Mental health help-seeking attitudes, utilization, and intentions among older Chinese Canadians. Aging and Mental Health, 18, 140-147. doi:10.1080/13607863.2013.814104
Woodhead, E., Emery, E., Pachana, N., Konnert, C., Scott, T., & Edelstein, B. (2013). Geropsychology content in graduate training: Student competencies and career decision-making. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 44, 355-362. doi:10.1037/a0034632
Petrovic_Poljak, A., & Konnert, C. (2013). Sense of community in long-term care: The views of family caregivers. International Psychogeriatrics, 25, 390-402.
Tieu, Y., Konnert, C. & Wang, J.L. (2010). Depression literacy among older Chinese immigrants in Canada: A comparison with a population-based survey.  International Psychogeriatrics, 22, 1318-1326.
Pachana, N. A., Emery, E. E., Konnert, C., Woodhead, E., & Edelstein, B. (2010). Geropsychology training in clinical training programs: A comparison of Australian, Canadian, and U.S.A. data. International Psychogeriatrics, 22, 909-918.
Pachana, N. A., Helmes, E., Byrne, G. J. A., Edelstein, B. A., Konnert, C. A., & Pot, A. M.(2010). Screening for mental disorders in residential aged care facilities.  International Psychogeriatrics, 22, 1107-1120.
Konnert, C., Dobson, K. S., & Watt, A. (2009). Geropsychology Training in Canada: A survey of doctoral and internship programs. Canadian Psychology, 50, 255-260.
Konnert, C., Dobson, K. S., & Stelmach, L. (2009). The prevention of depression in nursing home residents: A randomized clinical trial of cognitive-behavioral therapy. Aging and Mental Health, 13(2), 288-299.



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